Sunday 26 February 2017

5 Components Of A Successful Body Transformation Program

Did you know it is possible to lose three pounds in a week and for four months? This can totally transform your looks and self-esteem in just 16 weeks. Using short, burst exercises, you can shed 48 pounds, relieve your back pain, build confidence, and save your money. Find out the secrets of a fitness program herein.

  1. Short, Burst Workouts
You may or may not have done any workouts before but you can commence on a beginner’s program from a suitable gym or personal trainer. Short exercises are motivating and intense and within a few weeks, you will experience major changes. Get big at bench press as you add lean muscle and lose that flab. You can also double your training by performing HIIT exercises.

  1. Understand your body, workouts, and proper diet
In many a times, people are very active when young but as they grow up, and with the increased burden of responsibilities, they get lazy, eat more and hardly go to the gym. This is exactly what we call a reverse body transformation. However, if you start making the right choices towards fitness, like assessing your body responses to particular diets, you will understand how training and nutrition transforms you. Find satisfaction in whole meals, unprocessed foods, and performing short, burst workouts.

Procrastination is a big obstacle to losing weight. Taking actions slowly only kills your morale. The right time to start a fitness program is now. After you come up with a schedule, stipulate your goals clearly. For instance, state the exact pounds you want to lose by a particular date and through what means. This will keep you focused. Vague objectives produce vague results, so, be assertive.

  1. Take Measurements
Weight is the most crucial measurement, but it is good to know the detailed composition of the weight, i.e. body fat percentage and lean muscle composition.

Start practicing these steps now and very soon you will be inspiring people to transform.

Monday 13 February 2017

4 Elements Of A Good Fitness Training Program

Routine workouts require balancing. As one ages, body balance diminishes hence older people need more of balance exercises. Imbalances can cause bone fractures and muscle failure. Anybody can gain balance by stabilizing their core muscles. To promote body stability, stand on a single leg for a long time severally or perform tai chi. A body transformation program involves a combination of 5 routines. Any fitness program needs to be balanced for maximum outcomes.

Strength training Strength of muscles is key in body fitness. Training for strength is best done two times weekly. It not only boosts muscle fitness but also bones strength. During a weight-loss routine, strength training helps to maintain mass. Resistance equipment, free weights and other strength machines can help the body gain strength. Other exercises for strength include crunches, pushups, and squats. Core exercises These are the abs, pelvis muscles, and the lower back. They secure the back muscles coordinate the movements of the upper and lower torso. Core exercises reinforce the spine and allow for efficient working of body muscles. These workouts use the body weight and no equipment is needed. A fitness ball can be used to enhance core training. Aerobic training This is also referred to as cardio endurance. Cardio exercises raise the breathing rate hence increasing the intake of more oxygen for metabolism. They enhance the efficiency of lungs, heart, and blood vessels, making the daily routines easier. Any exercise that work major muscle groups is categorized as aerobic, for example jumping, swimming, walking, sprinting, dancing, etc. Both vigorous and moderate cardio exercises must be incorporated in a fitness program. Flexibility and stretching There are those physical activities that need more flexed muscles than others e.g. dancing. Stretching the body in say yoga, improves body flexibility. Flexibility is what allows for greater motion ranges in joints as well as good posture. Studies show that constant stretching act as a stress buster. Whether you’re doing personal training online or attending the gym, you must have a balanced fitness program that entails the five mentioned elements.